The Cane Corso is now known primarily as a family companion and a guard dog. They quickly bond with their owners, are naturally good with children, and enjoy being included in family activities. With family and close friends, they’ll display an almost goofy personality. As natural guard dogs, they have a tendency to be protective of their families and suspicious of change. They require strong and constant leadership, but their undying loyalty makes them easy to train.
Although they might appear intimidating, these dogs are highly sensitive. A harsh word is typically sufficient to discipline a Cane Corso and they will often sulk for hours after receiving a reprimand. They crave love and affection so much that they’re often described as “velcro dogs,” and can sometimes suffer from separation anxiety. Although their sleek and athletic bodies lend themselves well to activities like running, swimming, and hiking, they’re generally very calm when indoors. They are quiet dogs and typically only bark as a way to alert you of intruders or other strange situations.
For families willing to make the commitment, the Cane Corso is one of the absolute best breeds you can choose. If you’re ready to be completely, fiercely, and unconditionally loved by a pet, the Cane Corso is an excellent choice.